
After the fall of Atlantis, a certain part of the mermaid returned to their homeland, a small part reincarnated into reincarnation, and some slept at the bottom of the sea waiting for the opportunity, and now the time has come, the slumber will wake up, Leaving will return, and what is hidden in cause and effect will connect with his soul family and find his mission.
The existence of the Ocean Academy is to show and establish order and rules. Mermaids are spiritual helpers like angels, leading people to break through the framework of being human and return to themselves. It is the mission and meaning of Mirijam, which is to guide the lost people back on the right track. This is also the meaning of the existence of the Ocean Academy. It is not just a formal academy, but more of the spirit, the power of gathering together, emerging. Don't forget yourself.


If you desperately want to connect with the merman, it may cause your soul to churn faster, which is not a bad thing, because the outflow of darkness can allow your emotions to find an outlet for purification. Whether you want to let go of the shackles of the old structure or welcome the blessings of the new century, you have the right to choose. Finding yourself is the beginning, and then the real challenge.
#人魚的訊息 #mermaidmessage


The mermaid represents the divine beauty, the display of intuition and power, and is another system of the ocean. It exists independently and also supports the ecology of the ocean. It cooperates with each other and interweaves the network of the ocean. There are very early life on the earth. very high frequency.


A mermaid doesn't just give up her legs for love, doesn't just sing to confuse people, doesn't just cry and turn tears into pearls.
In the new ocean century, the energy of the mermaid will return more, which will break your old thinking about the mermaid, give yourself a new vision, and welcome this beautiful natural existence to your side.
When meteors hit the earth, in addition to landing on land, more will enter the ocean. Mermaids will collect these planetary fragments, craft weapons or tools, and use the power of the stars to heal the mind and body.
當流星降臨地球時,除了降落在陸地上,更多的還會進入海洋。 美人魚會收集這些行星碎片,製造武器或工具,並利用星星的力量來治愈身心。


The ocean is Earth's great thermal regulator. It holds heat, releases it slowly, holds cold, releases it gradually. And so the ocean holds the planet steady.
海洋是地球上最重要的熱調節器。 它保持熱能,緩慢釋放,保持寒冷,逐漸釋放。 因此,海洋使地球保持穩定。


Glory to your inner mother, be grateful to your mother, who nourishes your life like the sea, and embraces you in love.


mermaids symbolizing feminine power, they remind us that we each have a beautiful free spirit deep within us.


The power of the sea is deeply connected with the cycles of the moon. Thus the Moon Goddess rules over the powers of the sea.
海洋的力量與月亮的周期息息相關。 因此,月亮女神統治著海洋的力量。
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